I appreciate the woman and the purple rocks. Having participated in small public acts of silliness for decades, I can verify the good time. It makes small children happy. Not a bad use for an afternoon.
Three peeps who like my memes! Spread anarchy! Me trying my best! Hahaha!
I don't know if this is related but I asked Substack AI today why the little checkbox under the comment that says "Also share to Notes" doesn't work for me any more. They (is that the right pronoun for AI?) said they didn't know anything about a checkbox to share Notes. You see it, right? No? Am I crazy?
I just encountered a situation where the box was there but it took about ten attempts to click it.
From what I see in my notifications it seems barely anyone is using «Also share to Notes» anymore, so we're might be not alone in having issues with it.
Yes, Kathleen wrote on my thread that she couldn't use the box. I asked her to try it on some non-conspiracy site, if there are any she subs. Even my cat memes are from Pasheen of Diva Drops, and she's the queen of conspiracy. So maybe it's only us fellow conspirats. But it's probably just a conindykink that it started after I posted a note on My Hitler Journey and it started getting more hits than my recent ones.
One of the restackers of that Note, called DEMediaisPropaganda wrote to his followers "Look at the scum Substack is promoting. Find out all of their followers and notify Substack to get rid of this scum." I pointed out that if the media is propaganda, perhaps history is too, and he wrote back, "It's DEM media, learn how to read, fool!" I think he's the one who ended by calling me a stage four syphilitic cunt, but that may have been someone else in response to that Note. Which my friend thought really stung. Not even stage two?
But it's probably just paranoia to think I've ruined this feature for everyone. Likely just a glitch.
As for DEMediaisPropaganda... LOL, he's the right-wing counterpart (and mirror image) of Chandra Hardy, and they spend their days hurling profanity at each other.
I was on a non-conspiracy site when I noticed this, and I don't think there is a conspiracy. There was a time (~last summer) when users of some browsers couldn't like anything, perhaps this is a similar glitch.
Thanks for the work-around. But does re-stack send it out to all your subs like a regular post? I don't really want to do that.
It's probably saving me from myself. I think that Notes is like getting lured into a back alley surrounded by someone else's gang, with your own posse back at the 'Stack. I end up in futile arguments that don't go anywhere because I'm not going to change that person's mind, and there's no one reading it.
Substack AI is the little box in the lower right when you first open your page that says "Ask a question."
Right. So the checkbox is something I used a lot, because it gave me a way of posting both my comment to Notes and also restacking the article I was commenting on, that I wanted my followers to see. A genius function! And since I have twice as many followers as subs, I could even comment on my own articles and bring them to their attention. Loved it and used it prolifically!
So I don't know if mine stopped working because I used it too prolifically, because of a Substack glitch, or because my comment referring to my article My Hitler Journey got many, many hits--making the YT video more watched than my new releases. Was this personal, as a form of censorship, or are other people having the same problem?
I can now post a comment to Notes (as I did this one) by sharing after I post, but it doesn't show Conspirat's excellent meme. So try checking the box and see if it works for you, please.
Memes will get you through times of no cheese. But times of cheese are cheesier.
I appreciate the woman and the purple rocks. Having participated in small public acts of silliness for decades, I can verify the good time. It makes small children happy. Not a bad use for an afternoon.
That one was rather inspiring. I'm tempted to send it to eugyppius.
Go ahead. Throw caution to the wind… 😺
Three peeps who like my memes! Spread anarchy! Me trying my best! Hahaha!
I don't know if this is related but I asked Substack AI today why the little checkbox under the comment that says "Also share to Notes" doesn't work for me any more. They (is that the right pronoun for AI?) said they didn't know anything about a checkbox to share Notes. You see it, right? No? Am I crazy?
I just encountered a situation where the box was there but it took about ten attempts to click it.
From what I see in my notifications it seems barely anyone is using «Also share to Notes» anymore, so we're might be not alone in having issues with it.
Yes, Kathleen wrote on my thread that she couldn't use the box. I asked her to try it on some non-conspiracy site, if there are any she subs. Even my cat memes are from Pasheen of Diva Drops, and she's the queen of conspiracy. So maybe it's only us fellow conspirats. But it's probably just a conindykink that it started after I posted a note on My Hitler Journey and it started getting more hits than my recent ones.
One of the restackers of that Note, called DEMediaisPropaganda wrote to his followers "Look at the scum Substack is promoting. Find out all of their followers and notify Substack to get rid of this scum." I pointed out that if the media is propaganda, perhaps history is too, and he wrote back, "It's DEM media, learn how to read, fool!" I think he's the one who ended by calling me a stage four syphilitic cunt, but that may have been someone else in response to that Note. Which my friend thought really stung. Not even stage two?
But it's probably just paranoia to think I've ruined this feature for everyone. Likely just a glitch.
As for DEMediaisPropaganda... LOL, he's the right-wing counterpart (and mirror image) of Chandra Hardy, and they spend their days hurling profanity at each other.
I was on a non-conspiracy site when I noticed this, and I don't think there is a conspiracy. There was a time (~last summer) when users of some browsers couldn't like anything, perhaps this is a similar glitch.
We had a discussion elsewhere about that checkbox. I discovered that for me it works in some comment threads and not in others.
Also, substack AI? Is that buried in the Help somewhere?
Thanks for the work-around. But does re-stack send it out to all your subs like a regular post? I don't really want to do that.
It's probably saving me from myself. I think that Notes is like getting lured into a back alley surrounded by someone else's gang, with your own posse back at the 'Stack. I end up in futile arguments that don't go anywhere because I'm not going to change that person's mind, and there's no one reading it.
Substack AI is the little box in the lower right when you first open your page that says "Ask a question."
Good Citizen had a funny post recently about the Chat function: https://thegoodcitizen.live/p/i-heart-substack.
Notes is already such a rabbithole, I don't want to go anywhere near Chat ;)
I have a check box to share to notes. It DISAPPEARS after 2 or 3 levels of commenting on a comment on a comment...
Right. So the checkbox is something I used a lot, because it gave me a way of posting both my comment to Notes and also restacking the article I was commenting on, that I wanted my followers to see. A genius function! And since I have twice as many followers as subs, I could even comment on my own articles and bring them to their attention. Loved it and used it prolifically!
So I don't know if mine stopped working because I used it too prolifically, because of a Substack glitch, or because my comment referring to my article My Hitler Journey got many, many hits--making the YT video more watched than my new releases. Was this personal, as a form of censorship, or are other people having the same problem?
I can now post a comment to Notes (as I did this one) by sharing after I post, but it doesn't show Conspirat's excellent meme. So try checking the box and see if it works for you, please.
I always use Restack With a Note, and paste my comment above the restack.
2nd level, box is still there!
3rd level, still there...
Still there?!
4th level! Still there ..
Well damn, so much for THAT theory.