The turn signal one! Here in Ireland it’s called your indicator and literally nobody under 60 uses it as an indication of intent, it’s like a surprise as they turn, drives me nuts. I asked a driving instructor what gives - get this, well they have so much to take in so it’s not emphasised.

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On the positive side – if you ever feel your work is useless, remember there is a guy in Germany putting turn signals on BMWs.

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It was from a meme that didn’t make this week’s selection.

(I keep meme posts within the email length limit)

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Carstens ate all the bankers that challenged him. That's the secret of his success.

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Some founding fathers are muthuhs.

just sayin'

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"you've exceeded your freedom allowance"

This really takes me back. When I was in junior high school circa 1968, the dreaded miniskirt was spreading like a plague across the land. In homeroom every day, we girls had to kneel and have the floor to our skirt hem measured. If over 3 inches you had to go home and change. In those days, Grasshopper, girls were not allowed to wear pants to school.

Barbaric times.

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The workaround was rolling up the waist of the skirt to shorten it, after homeroom was over.

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The last one hits hard.

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Great question?

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Is ‘passing’ still a thing?

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My compliments

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