Where's the salmon! Gimme those 7,000 years! LOLOL

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The next level radical curveillance- image reminds me of this darpa style woohoo,

Two interfaces are available for this: an optical path for system programming, and a radio link for outputting data.

Programming the Mote with light. Note how this Mote was packaged in a standard IC package for testing. Credit: Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

The optical path uses photodiodes that are strategically placed near the bond pads so they’re exposed to ambient light. By flashing light onto them in a specific pattern, the CPU enters programming mode, enabling the user to write into the main code memory.

The sensor data can be read out again using low-power radio: the user hold a receiver near the Mote to read out any data stored in its


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So many good ones this week! I have material for my Facebook page for days.

Based on past experience, the one about the eggs by the Minister of Health and Social Affairs in Belgium will prompt at least two of my friends to scold me for fat-shaming. My reply: yes, exactly.

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Love it - made my day 😊

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Deadbeat cat as master cracked me up!

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Wonderful. Thank you!

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