My mom kept bacon grease in an open can under the sink! Really. She liked bread fried in bacon grease, and just about everything else under the sun. And we NEVER threw out anything foil in our house. Me, I don’t do the bacon grease, but the foil, yes.
I love the fact check on the your great grandmother saves aluminum foil and bacon grease one. MY MOTHER, still alive and well for hopefully years to come, still saves both aluminum foil and bacon grease. Where did these over entitled nitwits grow up?
My grandmother and my dad both saved bacon grease. As do I. Also aluminum foil.
So I guess that makes my life a lie?
Me three. Every meal should start with bacon, just for the fat to cook your veggies in. However I only use aluminum foil for cranial fashion items ;-)
I use aluminum foil so rarely, I just keep a couple of pieces of it folded up in a drawer.
For headwear, a colander works pretty well.
My mom kept bacon grease in an open can under the sink! Really. She liked bread fried in bacon grease, and just about everything else under the sun. And we NEVER threw out anything foil in our house. Me, I don’t do the bacon grease, but the foil, yes.
We kept ours in an open can on the back of the stove.
Everyone !!…..saved foil & bacon grease!!!……..I’m 78 yrs old & not senile😉
Look away then, as I pour saved bacon grease into a reclaimed aluminum foil constructed boat
I would also accept “atmoplate” or “atmodisc”
Well, we already know about "fact checkers". Part of the propaganda machine.
I love the fact check on the your great grandmother saves aluminum foil and bacon grease one. MY MOTHER, still alive and well for hopefully years to come, still saves both aluminum foil and bacon grease. Where did these over entitled nitwits grow up?
Not bad.