Long ago, I was exiled from all my nominally «progressive» circles for insisting that taxation was largely punitive for most people and unnecessary in most circumstances, i.e. effectively theft and a transfer to oligarchs. Ironically, those circles have now embraced a crackpot implementation of MMT, which has turned into another magic money tree for oligarchs. And the things we need are still under- or un- funded.
Long ago, I was exiled from all my nominally «progressive» circles for insisting that taxation was largely punitive for most people and unnecessary in most circumstances, i.e. effectively theft and a transfer to oligarchs. Ironically, those circles have now embraced a crackpot implementation of MMT, which has turned into another magic money tree for oligarchs. And the things we need are still under- or un- funded.
The Kamala bourbon meme looks to me like Obama doing a female impersonation.
love the pronunciation ones. here's a beaut I heard an (american) academic come out with Bane-l for banal.
I LOVE Rick Ashely…….hope he’s not a liberal🙏
To my knowledge, he’s not very political at all… :)
see: https://www.dictionary.com/e/slang/rickrolling/
"Don't kid yourself Oscar. They'll kill you anyway." ~ Joan Rivers
Rick…is that you? (I think that is your name from days past…)
excellent rick for President
Astely???………anyhow….great memes😃