The combo mug has an Amsterdam feel to it.

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Your coffee memes are always excellent. Let my houseplants cry as I’m making fresh coffee. I will revel in coffee goodness as I look for that fabulous coffee mug/pipe on the net. What an intriguing idea to combine these two activities.

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I loved reading these while drinking my morning coffee ☕️

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Lovely. Even for someone who drinks none. Loved the "dessert" one. I fucking hate Starbogs. Yeah and the coffee bong is priceless. Your take thereon as well.

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Haha I found Kanye 😝

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These are like verses from the Bible.

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Where can I get that cuppa chuppah cup from,

it's a winning combo.

R U Ken!

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Lots of places, in fact. It usually goes under the names of ‘pipe mug’, ‘mug pipe’, or ‘wake n bake mug’.

Examples (with further links): https://odditymall.com/pipemug-coffee-mug-built-in-smoking-pipe

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